Alcorn County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1808
Corinth, Mississippi 38835-1808
Phone: 662-286-0075

Happy Thanksgiving

Some people say that Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday. Do you find that surprising? Thanksgiving is a favorite and becoming even more so because of the overwhelmingly merchandised Christmas, Thanksgiving remains the holiday of "coming home." It's a holiday we can come together with family and enjoy each other compared to the frenzy of everything that seems to threaten the essence of Christmas.

Our national observance of Thanksgiving is quite unique. It is both a Christian and exclusively American, a holiday for celebrating faith, family, and freedom. Remember the Gettysburg Address? "Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty … " We need to make sure our children and grandchildren hear the stories of the courageous men, women, and children who lived honorably and, through faith in God, made enormous sacrifices to secure freedom for us all.
Part of this article was adapted from Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember, by Barbara Rainey, Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois, copyright © 2002
Thanksgiving picture

Q. What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to?


A. Plymouth Rock!

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